Atrium's Whistleblowing Facility

You can check the status of your report or question using the access number and password you created when you submitted the report or question.
If you would prefer to speak to someone confidentially, call us and one of our representatives would be happy to assist you.
Call 0 808 189 1053
If you are dialing internationally choose your location from the list below for the international number assigned to your country. If your country is not listed click here for additional instructions.

Please note this is not an emergency service. Contact your local authorities if this is a life threatening issue.
International dialing instructions
This is not an emergency line. If you are reporting an emergency, please contact the appropriate emergency service or law enforcement within your specific region or country
International Dialing
If your country is not listed, use the following number for a collect call/reverse charge call. Operator assistance may be required and local charges may apply:+1-720-514-4400
When dialing internationally please ensure you are using the appropriate exit and country codes specific to your location and where you are dialing.
This is not an emergency line. If you are reporting an emergency, please contact the appropriate emergency service or law enforcement within your specific region or country
A: All employees (permanent or fixed term) and anyone associated with Atrium worldwide are encouraged to use the facility to report concerns about suspected wrongdoing. The facility supports over 200 languages.
Q. What type of concerns should I report?
Anything that you believe to be illegal, corrupt, or are in violation of our Business Principles & Ethics which you do not feel comfortable reporting via internal channels... Continue reading...
A: All employees (permanent or fixed term) and anyone associated with Atrium worldwide are encouraged to use the facility to report concerns about suspected wrongdoing. The facility supports over 200 languages.
Q. What type of concerns should I report?
Anything that you believe to be illegal, corrupt, or are in violation of our Business Principles & Ethics which you do not feel comfortable reporting via internal channels such as to your line manager, any member of the Senior Executive team or a member of HR.
Q. Will I get in trouble for reporting a violation?
A. No. Atrium provides this facility to ensure you have a confidential and robust means to speak up without having to worry about any negative consequences. Aligned to our culture, we aspire to be The Most Trusted Lloyd’s Syndicate where you are encouraged to speak up. You can decide on your level of anonymity when submitting a report. However, should you choose not to remain anonymous, there will be no retaliation or negative consequences for you, if, when acting in good faith, you report any suspected misconduct. Anyone who participates in any such retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action which could result in their dismissal.
Q. Will my report remain confidential?
A. Yes. This facility is run by an independent third-party vendor, Convercent. All communication is between them and you. There are a few people at Atrium (namely the Head of HR, Compliance Officer, Managing Director and Head of Culture) who will review and investigate reports but they will not see your name unless you chose to self-identify. You are able to choose your level of anonymity when submitting a report. Should you raise any concerns regarding one of these individuals, they will not be able to see nor influence further communication within the system. If you still remain concerned, you have all other whistleblowing channels available, as set out in the Whistleblowing Policy available on Sharepoint.
Q. What type of information should I include in my report?
A. The webform or the person you speak to on the phone from Convercent will guide you through a series of questions to gather the information needed to investigate the incident. Your report should contain as many important details as possible, describe what happened, who was involved, when, where and how. Be as specific as possible; include names and dates if you know them. The more information you provide, the easier it will be for us to review or investigate your concerns. Documents, photographs and screen shots can be attached to reports submitted through the website and/or added to reports submitted by phone once you have received your case number and password.
Q: Is it better to submit my report through the website or by telephone?
A: This depends on your personal preference. The telephone call centre agents follow the same steps for reports submitted via the telephone as online. Either way, your concern will be received anonymously and confidentially and routed to only specific individuals within Atrium who are responsible for evaluating and investigating the allegations made in your report. The main priority is you reporting the incident and once this matter is received will be determined under the right procedure.
Q. What number should I call if I want to report by telephone?
A. Local and toll free numbers for most countries can be found on this Convercent landing page.
Please note this should not be used for emergencies. If you are reporting an emergency, please contact the appropriate emergency service or law enforcement agency within your specific region or country.
Q: If I raise a concern, will my manager or colleagues find out who made the report?
A: There are a limited number of senior individuals at Atrium who will receive only the details of the incident, not your identity as the person who submitted the report, unless you have chosen to be identified. Complete confidentiality will be maintained while investigating the allegations. Information and investigation details will only be shared on a “need to know” basis. To assist in this effort, please do not discuss your report with others.
Q: What happens after I submit my report?
A: All reports submitted through the Atrium Whistleblowing Facility are routed to specific individuals within Atrium responsible for reviewing and investigating the allegations you have made. That is the Head of HR, the Compliance Officer, Managing Director or Head of Culture. Convercent, the external independent vendor who manages the Facility, ensures that no report is ever shared with implicated parties, their peers, or subordinates should you provide their full name within the report.
Q: How can I learn about the progress or resolution of my report?
A: When you submit a report through the Facility you will receive a case number and will be able to create a unique password. With this password and your case number, you can access a message board to communicate confidentially with us for a status update and to provide additional information that may be necessary to enable us to carry out a thorough investigation of your allegations. Please note, however, that for confidentiality reasons, Atrium cannot disclose the details of disciplinary action resulting from the report with anyone other than the employees involved.
Q: Who is our Whistleblowers’ Champion?
A: Atrium’s appointed “Whistleblowers’ Champion” is Nicole Coll (who can be contacted by email on or ), the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director who has responsibility for ensuring and overseeing the integrity, independence and effectiveness of the firm’s policies and procedures on whistleblowing and who can be contacted in confidence to report a concern or if people feel that a concern raised internally has not been dealt with appropriately.
Q. Who can I contact for more information?
A. Feel free to ask the Head of HR or Compliance Officer who can answer questions about any topic relating to our Whistleblowing policy, associated resources and our partnership with Convercent.